Today is a day dedicated to women.
Women have long been subservient to Man. For some time now they have no longer (or tried not to be) subservient to Man and have instead subservied themselves… to male Power.
Perhaps without realizing it.
They thus commit themselves to being equal to – or superior to – Men on the latter’s terrain, and their challenge has become to live as men, with the ambitions and desires of men, doing men’s work in a man’s way.

Paradoxical as it may seem, female Power has never been as despised as it is today: it is women themselves who despise it. Nor has male Power ever been so triumphant: it is the only value recognized and esteemed.
Precisely in the era of free and strong women and weak and doubtful men, the World is totally and absolutely governed by the Masculine.
To the point that no one even remembers what Female Power is.
In reality, Male Power is to conquer and expand a territory directly. And when the conquest is completed, we head towards a new battle, caring little about the territory obtained and its protection and well-being. Human relationships are camaraderie with those on the same side and competitive with others, usually simple, direct and one-to-one.
Feminine Power, on the other hand, takes care of the territory possessed or conquered, creating complex schemes to take into account all aspects of the territory and all those who inhabit it. It’s like taking care of a garden with many plants. He weaves networks of complex human relationships that he cultivates with great care so that they do not damage each other.
This male World, governed by the pure Masculine, is going to ruin in a mad race towards the conquest of no one knows what anymore, reducing itself to an increasingly immense, neglected garden, full of weeds, stunted plants and few “useful” trees. ” who rule the roost.
On this day of celebration, I wish women that helpful female spirits help them and help our world rediscover the Feminine Power in their lives. For the good of everyone.
ánimo y fuerza