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I started my official work as a uwishín (Shuar shaman) in Italy in the second half of 2002, and after about a year and a half I began to train the most promising students in the curandería (shamanic therapy) that heals the Spirit and Souls and through these also the body. Very few people were talking about shamanism in Italy at the time and it was the first time anyone had tried to teach such things. 

I did a serious but not too in-depth training both because people were not yet ready and because the commitment required by a training such as the Amazon would have been very high indeed: among other things, it was necessary to travel to tropical lands to be taught directly by the plants of the place (an apprenticeship known as la dieta de las plantas). Trainees who completed these old training courses and demonstrated good skills during them have been reported on this page for years.

A few years ago I saw that the time was ripe for much more serious curandería training, such as that traditionally done in the Amazon!

I therefore began a new cycle of courses, which also involved various journeys into the wilderness, a deeper understanding of the origins of illness or failure in life as well as an in-depth study of the various types of wáwek (hostile entities that cause misfortune or illness) and finally the acquisition of specific tséntsak (Amazonian shamanic powers) suitable for eliminating them.

The apprentices who are following this new cycle are also using more effective – but difficult to learn – means to see the root causes of ailments and diseases.

More generally, I am instructing them to use very powerful shamanic methods without softening them to suit the Western worldview; indeed, this has always been an obstacle to the effectiveness of shamanic rituals in the West!

Of the old pupils who had successfully completed the courses of the first years, some – a few – wanted to follow the new cycle.
The best of the old students who completed the first years’ courses continue to be noted at the bottom of this page, in the section curanderos of the old courses.

Demonstrating one's capabilities
Examination Tests

Apprentice curanderos in the new course cycle, unlike in the old cycle, have to pass examinations to prove their abilities. Some of them, less than half of those who started the courses, have just passed the test that admits them to the traditional apprenticeship.
The traditional apprenticeship in Amazonia is similar to a doctor’s residency or internship after graduation. In this apprenticeship, apprentices engage in helping people who need help and in performing curanderías in order to put their acquired knowledge into practice and increase their experience.
All apprentices are very good or would not have passed the tests that got them into the apprenticeship.
You will find the list at the bottom of this page of experienced Curanderos in Traditional Amazonian Curandería.

IMPORTANT! Self-styled curanderos promote themselves by claiming to have been our apprentices, but if they are not included in these lists, the reason is not purely technical: it means that they either failed the exams or that, having been admitted to the apprenticeship, they interrupted it. They are people with deficient knowledge or, worse, who have become discouraged or offended by a failure – such as a missed exam or otherwise – and have not demonstrated the necessary qualities of courage and strength (ánimo y fuerza) to handle Power. I strongly advise against addressing any of them. As for the alumni of the old courses, the valid ones are listed in the section at the end, others of my former alumni of old courses are not even worth considering

The Curanderia Made Directly by Tsunki

I receive continuous requests for Curandería and have been practising many shamanic healings for at least fifteen years, but it is now time for my apprentices to engage and establish themselves in this work of helping others. Since the beginning of 2015, therefore, Tsunki only does visits and therapies in Curandería Circles such as the one on Limpieza and Curandería held in March 2015.
I do private visits instead only to people from our Circle or those who have recently been to a Curandería Circle or other Events open to the public or, to top it off, to patients that one of my apprentices has failed to cure. I do NOT do any more curanderías except in exceptional cases.

Curanderos Experts in Traditional Amazonian Curanderia
These are the curanderos who have followed us in the past, successfully completing the old Curandería courses:
Curanderos of the Old Courses
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